Thomas Kuhn lives in Darmstadt Germany. He began photography in 1980. He is interested in photographing the natural environment especially landscapes, other cultures, wildlife in particular forests and insects and also underwater. He began diving in 1989 and photographing underwater in 1999. His passion for the marine environment and tropical forests has led him to travel widely. He loves the variety, remoteness, and healthy reefs he has discovered during the past 20 years while exploring the Coral Triangle regions exceptionally all 3 regions in the Bird’s Head Seascape (Raja Ampat, Cenderawasih and Triton Bays), the Tukang Besi and the Alor Archipelago, the Moluccas and Papua New Guinea. He hopes his work will inspire people to view the beauty and the magic of wildlife and the sea in order to protect this precious ecosystem. In particular he is obsessed with macro photography. Presently he uses a Nikon D3, underwater with a Subal housing with two Inon Z-240 strobes and his images have been published widely including National Geographic and GEO Magazine.


The copyright of these photographs belongs to Thomas Kuhn. You are not allowed to take parts (especially photos) of www.visions-of-earth.net without my agreement. If you are interested in electronic files or prints, feel free to contact me.


-> divemaster – Nr. 112 Apr/Mai/Jun 2022 – White Out
-> NATUR FOTO – Juni 2021 – Anemonenfische im Klimastress
-> TAUCHEN – August 2021 – Nemo im Klimastress
-> DUIKEN – Oktober 2021 – Nemo in the klimaastress
-> DIE ZEIT – 2. Juli 2020 Du siehst aus, wie ich mich fühle – Wechselkröten
-> NATUR FOTO – August 2020 Leserfotos: Tropischer Regenwald – Nachtfalter
-> NABU Seeheim-Jugenheim – Anemonenfische im Klimastress
-> NABU Seeheim-Jugenheim – Naturschutz: Bedrohte Vielfalt – Reisebericht über Halmahera/Indonesien
-> NABU Seeheim-Jugenheim – Die giftigste Spinne Deutschlands – Dornfinger (Cheiracanthium punctorium)
-> NABU Seeheim-Jugenheim – Die schönste Spinne – Rote Röhrenspinne (Eresus kollari)
-> NATUR FOTO – Oktober 2019 Leserfotos: Blätter
-> GEO – Die besten Leserfotos: März 2016 – Pygmäenseepferdchen (Hippocampus bargibanti)
-> birdsheadseascape.com – Portfolio – Thomas Kuhn
-> tritonbaydivers.com – Guest Galleries – Thomas Kuhn
-> NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC – Februar 2013 – Ihr Bild – Walhai
-> NATUR FOTO – Dezember 2012 – Leserfotos: Die Farbe Rot – Anemonenfisch
-> NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC – November 2009 – Ihr Bild – Nachtfalter
-> PARADISE – Inflight magazine of AIR NIUGINI – Vol. 5, 2007 – Encountering orcas
-> NIUGINI BLUE – January 2007 – A close encounter